07.20.20 Pt 1 - Siyafunda with Mfundo is back. La la la, a song or isiZulu? After a long day yesterday, Gareth is not as grumpy as he thought he would be. Is life just a constant march to death, filled with distractions? Coronavirus is now in South Africa... thanks Durban, what about the cricket? Sex in the office, it’s happening in Sandton! Divorce makes people happy. And Travis Kelce's speech has changed everything.

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Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) expert and Sexy Smarts facilitator Dr Eli Rosen unpacks the challenges we are facing today in order to educate our children regarding their own sexuality, and how we can create a greater knowledge base within our learning institutions which educate our children. Dr Rosen unpacks the idiosyncrasies of the spectrum of sexuality in the modern age facing parents, teachers and children. Sexual education is vital... if we don’t teach our children, smart phones and pornography will.

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14.01.20 Pt 2 - Genetics is going to a new level. You can grow new organs, a penis or a hand. Meghan Markle’s sister is banned on Twitter. If Siya was rich he’d pay his family to hide the family secrets. Get the kettle on, the aliens will be here in 10 years. Bribes aren’t real for rich people. Lori Loughlin is preparing for jail with an expert. Oh by the way, babies don’t come out of bums.

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Favourite podcasts from the Laws of Life with Garry Hertzberg. In studio with Garry and team are lawyers Ian Allis and Tessa Kassel on the sexual behaviour in lawyers, with special guest Professor Johann Lemmer – founder and principal of the Academy of Sexology.

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Favourite podcasts from the Laws of Life with Garry Hertzberg. A special collaboration with Jonti Searll, the host of SexTalk on CliffCentral. According to a report in the NY Post, masturbating at work is a doctor-approved stress reliever. Should masturbation breaks become the new smoke breaks? Can you be disciplined for watching porn at work? Also, more than 1 in 10 employees have admitted to having sex with a co-worker in the workplace. Is security camera footage of a couple having sex at work adequate proof to have them fired? With Garry and Jonti in studio to discuss sex at work, is labour law specialist attorney Johan Botes.

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15 Nov

The questions about sex are endless, the learning about pleasure is endless. In this show we look at some of them on a journey from squirting to strap-ons and more. Brought to you by REBR Pharmaceutics... #discoverintimacy

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Many men struggle with the full expression of their sexuality, the problems and the power. We examine some of the beliefs men have about their pleasure and look at how we can overcome them. Brought to you by REBR Pharmaceutics... #discoverintimacy

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There are so many mysteries, myths and misinformation about women's sexual pleasure. We explore some of these and offer some possibilities for greater authenticity and freedom. Brought to you by REBR Pharmaceutics... #discoverintimacy

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Sex and sensuality in relationships... what do you get from being in a relationship and going within to give more to your partner? This episode of SexTalk is brought to you by Zebras Crossing very private game lodge - email them at res@zebrascrossing.com

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The elements of intimacy, learning about what intimacy is for you, and what it means to your partner. Change is a part of intimacy, how do we manage change in a relationship and be authentic? This episode of SexTalk is brought to you by Zebras Crossing very private game lodge - email them at res@zebrascrossing.com

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