We live in a world of distractions. Does one need to be an adherent of a specific philosophical approach to find inner peace? Or can one access it by adopting a way of being that might contribute to improved emotional health? Could 'mindfulness' be that way? On this week’s episode, we are joined by Dr Ella Brent and Dr Pete Milligan. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Following Cristiano Ronaldo's latest explosive interview regarding Manchester United's current plight, MKT tells us how the Club can make the impending divorce easier on themselves. Can Test Cricket be rescued or has it become a white elephant in an ever disposable content era? Can one reflect on a difficult past without berating themselves too much? Do harsh truths land better if they are treated with a delicate approach? In 2022 should we still be forced to drop our parents off at the airport? Follow The MKT Show on Tik Tok! #AFCON2021

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12.01.21 Pt 1 - If the President is sitting down when South Africa has a 'family meeting', don't worry about it - he just wants to check up on you and let you know that politicians are still doing nothing. If you have taken on the misguided notion of New Year's resolutions, how are those going two weeks into 2021? And Matt Greoning: superstar cartoonist, or clandestine time traveller?

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