As a parent, do you worry that your child is spending too much time on their smartphone or other electronic devices? Are you concerned that they are more connected electronically, than to you? Is this simply how it is developmentally, and are any concerns about the potential - or actual - negative impact of too much screen time just mainstream media hype and fearmongering? Child and adolescent psychiatrist, Dr Brendan Belsham, along with social media lawyer and co-founder of Klikd, Sarah Hoffman, answer these questions for us.  In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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28.07.21 Pt 2 - In a digital world where screens and devices are constantly vying for our attention, preserving our digital wellbeing is no longer a nice-to-have - it’s a necessity. Sarah Hoffman joins the team to talk about digital burnout. Gareth reveals his addiction to watching hydraulic press videos, and Flax shares the details about Jo’burg’s coolest new activity.

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