Childhood is supposed to be a happy, carefree time in our lives - but these days there are so many kids and teenagers who are struggling with anxiety, depression and other related mental health issues. To unpack this, we're joined again on Health Matters by our mental health expert Jeanie Cavé, a clinical psychologist who works with individuals, couples, families, groups, children and adolescents. Brought to you by Cipla.

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For over two years now, everyone has been talking about the ‘new normal’, but what happens when we return to the ‘old normal’? Many of us are already starting to do this so we decided to speak to our mental health expert Jeanie Cavé, a clinical psychologist, to help us navigate this. Brought to you by Cipla.

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The Absa Cape Epic is an eight-day stage race, and it's the most televised mountain bike race in the world. The race must be completed by both members of a two-person team, with only 680 teams allowed to ride each year. Every event follows a different route, leading aspiring amateur and professional mountain bikers from around the world through roughly 700 untamed kilometres of unspoilt scenery, and up more than 17,000 metres of vertical ascent. This year's event is coming up on the 20th of March and on this edition of Health Matters, we speak to Candice Lill - who has completed 4 previous Cape Epic races, as well as Matt Beers - who has 5 events under his belt, winning the 2021 edition along with his partner. Brought to you by Cipla.

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It’s in the news, it’s all over our social media, and nowadays when people ask “how are you?” - it’s not just a formality anymore! Our mental health is being tested in these strange and difficult times, and the fact is life is pretty challenging for many of us at the moment. In this episode, we're joined by Jeanie Cavé, a clinical psychologist who works with individuals, couples, families, groups, children and adolescents - as she guides us through managing our mental health during volatile and uncertain times. Brought to you by Cipla.

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What does ‘health’ mean to you in 2022? We know that there are hundreds of trends anywhere you look - the latest diet, exercise routine, or even a new gadget that you must have to track what your body is up to. But sometimes it helps to just take a step back, and get a fresh perspective. This time on Health Matters, Ryan O’Connor is joined by Johno Meintjes, who runs the popular online health and fitness community, JEFF, as well as Siv Ngesi – a comedian, television presenter, actor... and if you're on social media, you'll definitely know him well from his outspoken opinions on many topics! Brought to you by Cipla.

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“Oh my GERD!” - our favourite gastroenterologist is back! GERD might be the word... but do you know what it is? Thankfully Professor Mashiko Setshedi, Head of Medical Gastroenterology at Groote Schuur Hospital, joins us again to discuss this digestive condition. Brought to you by Cipla.

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Wellness can actually be quite a complex thing, with many factors affecting it… and not all of them are necessarily physical. Our mindset and mental perspective have a big influence on how we cope with day to day stresses and challenges. 
In this episode, we speak to someone who has an uncanny ability to see things differently - and who can show us a unique view on the world, that might just make everything feel better.
 John Sanei is an author, speaker and future strategist who has some interesting thoughts on the world, especially what is happening right now - and where humanity might be headed. Brought to you by Cipla.

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