18.10.21 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann shares how she’s considering downscaling her home, which gets the team talking about the benefits of renting and the reality of owning your own property. Then Dean Wingrin joins the team to talk about his collection of flight gear.

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17.06.21 Pt 1 - Is the hype around owning property overrated? Is Siya being a bit dramatic for not wanting to live in a house because of ‘the killer’? Sean Sanders joins the team to update them on the latest in the crypto markets.

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Living in Waterfall is very desirable, but not everyone can afford to buy a house or apartment there. So what if you want to rent? That's where HOUSS Rentals comes in. In this episode Jessica Hofmeyr - Sales, Rentals, Marketing and Operations Executive at HOUSS Rentals - chats to Siya Sangweni about what the company does, the buildings you can rent spaces in, how much it all costs and more.

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