South Africa is officially in a double dip recession, strap yourself in! Does Cyril have the backbone to prevent 'triple dip’ by making the necessary pragmatic calls immediately? The unions have ‘declared war’ on Tito and government's plans to cut jobs and save R150 billion in the medium term. The sovereign wealth fund sounds nice, but is South Africa in a position to administer such? Will the world pivot from a China-centric production model after coronavirus stalls all production there? Bloomberg is out, Biden is now the front runner. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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05.03.20 Pt 2 - Can publishers in South Africa afford to be sued and go through the legal process? Fuel hikes are less than ideal for the people on the ground... taxi fares go up, bread costs more, and it’s going that way for South Africa soon. Being a high-level state employee in South Africa might very well be the best job on Earth. Tokyo Sexwale essentially says, “Bribery is okay if you win”… but if you lose it’s immoral.

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