Timothy Maurice explores how clothing impacts our psychology in a concept called Enclothed Cognition, and why even in quarantine, your style matters. He reached out to listeners and they shared what they’re wearing while working from home.

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Timothy Maurice stumbled on an interview with an educated, gender equality fighting pornstar named Angela White. He became fascinated by her women’s equality research, and wanted to share what he learned about the mindset of a successful pornstar!

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30.03.20 Pt 1 - WW7 is upon us and if you can hear us you made it. We skipped straight from WW2 to 7, we're not mathematicians. How badly do you want your pre-lockdown life back? Leigh-Ann Mol gets very real with us about how she's dealing with #Lockdown2020. If you are feeling pressure to be productive in lockdown, don't... the secret is to always be on the hunt for a nap. If you have kids and are divorced and now you have to look after the kid full-time... well yeah, good luck! Anthea is training like her triathlons are still happening, no excuses!

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20.03.20 Pt 2 - Should we laugh at people who claim to have symptoms of Covid-19? There’s a doctor who says sex will save your life in these diseased times. One of the leading sages of our time, Cardi B, says “Coronavirus, this shit is real!” High Rob is taking coronavirus seriously, but he’s not ’Italian serious’. Should parents be allowed to have a favourite child? Pandemics have an interesting effect on society's psychology at large, Dr D joins us to unpack her thoughts on it, and what new behaviours people may need to adopt.

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21.02.20 Pt 1 - Dudu Myeni is an expert in governance. How do you screw up SAA - it’s a cash cow designed for you to win? Leigh-Ann Mol is a human and not the queen of Phuza Thursday. If Jennifer Rush reads this, Gareth is sorry. Is the death penalty the right way to reduce crime? If you want to deal in business and want to keep your costs low, build an illegal cigarette bunker under a horse stable. And what is the most amount of people you should have at a supper?

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11.02.20 Pt 2 - It’s been 30 years since Nelson Mandela was released from prison. What a day! Winnie Mandela - hero or villain? Are today’s 8-year-olds smarter than 8-year-olds 30 years ago? The Oscars were this weekend, does anybody still care? Renée Zellweger is more plastic in her face than Lego, she can barely speak. Millennials are poorer than their parents' generation, it’s hectic. And Mbulelo will never get laid, find out why...

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Timothy Maurice speaks to Rory Sutherland, the Executive Creative Director and Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Group UK, where he spearheads the Behavioural Science Division, Ogilvy Change. He’s the author of 'Alchemy, The Surprising Power of Ideas that Don’t Make Sense'. The conversation explores the magic in human behaviour, and why if we hope to move people and create better solutions to solve problems, we have to see a layer beyond standard logic to understand how to connect with people. This episode is vital listening to anyone curious about why people do what they do!

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04.02.20 Pt 1 - All black clothing is the way to go, even in load shedding. The naked Jesus is in Northcliff, all the way from Bethlehem. Also, Jesus is black. What exactly is a caucus? Siya details life without a phone... his biggest regret is the nudes he’s lost. Gwen met FW de Klerk and woke Twitter had its say. Data must fall again, it’s not happening. If you need to get stuff back, Phumi has a squad.

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We channel people, from celebs to celebrated social media people we’ve never met for a number of reasons - the concept of channeling others in a one-sided relationship is called Parasocial Relationships. Beyond the basketball community, people channeled Kobe Bryant for many reasons, some not so positive. Listen as Timothy Maurice shares the psychology of why many channeled Kobe, and how you should interrogate who you channel.

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Whenever Timothy Maurice pops in, you're bound to be bowled over by new ideas and different ways of thinking about things. In this conversation, he breaks down our relationship with social media, and the psychology behind it. What fuels our addiction to social media? Why do we follow the people we do? And why are young, single women more addicted to social media more than any other group? Timothy breaks this down, as well as moving onto another fascinating talking point: Undermining the value of "sameness".

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