Psychiatry is unique amongst medical disciplines in embracing a truly holistic approach to patient assessment and care. However, in our desire for acceptance and credibility as a medical discipline, has Psychiatry strayed from what makes it unique? Has Psychiatry overcompensated biologically, in order to be viewed as truly medical? In this episode, we are joined by Prof Vikram Patel and Prof Suvira Ramlall. Community pharmacist Sham Moodley then explains the role that some pharmacists can play in counselling patients. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Are we living in an increasingly 'therapised' world, where the solution to every problem is therapy or counselling? Have we become a society where problem-solving within the context of our personal lives requires professional assistance? Provocative questions - with possibly no clear answers. Joining us on this episode to discuss issues related to psychotherapy are Prof. Suvira Ramlall and Dorianne Weil. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Prof Suvira Ramlall joins us to discuss how your spirituality can affect your healing process. We discuss the science of the soul, and the connection between spirituality and identity, and how this affects our mental state.

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