The state of mining in South Africa has become questionable after recent discoveries of illegal mining throughout the country. Should this be legalised and taxed, or should SA continue to ban it? Bakh’abantu joins the panel to tackle the SABC, Malema’s EFF’s 10-year anniversary speech, and the ANC.

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The team is joined by Prof Bonang Mohale and friend to the show Phumlani Majozi, as they talk about the recent political news which includes coalitions of parties, the anticipated Covid-19 fourth wave, the decline of the ANC and what it means for South Africa.

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25.11.21 Pt 2 - Prof Bonang Mohale and Phumlani Majozi chat to Gareth and Phumi and the state of South Africa. They look at the decline of the ANC, the future of coalitions, Eskom and how the government should call on the private sector to achieve the plans that they put in place.

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Jaco and his guest debate the inner workings of 'to cloud or not to cloud'. When your core business is not IT you need to leverage technology to ensure digital transformation and business continuity. The considerations are more than just deciding on a public or private cloud-based solution. Points to ponder - has your business considered the pain points of stability issues for the server like cooling, bandwidth and constant power? Do you have SLAs? What would a reason be to move your server(s)? How safe is your data? Brought to you by Catalytic.

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According to Phumi, education is a long-term solution, but we need short-term fixes to get the South African economy back on track. Martin van Staden - jurist and author - joins the team to unpack his approach to public policy from a libertarian perspective. Which are the best performing economies, and what should our government be doing to improve the lives of the unemployed? Brought to you by Nando’s.

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03.06.21 Pt 2 - Where does South Africa stand politically? This week Martin van Staden, jurist and author based in South Africa, joins the show. His approach to public policy is from a libertarian perspective. The team get into the various solutions of improving the current state of the economy.

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