08.08.22 Pt 1 - Leigh-Ann shares a nightmare that she recently had that involved Damon Kalvari. Mash would love a turtle as a pet, and the team discuss whether or not it’s okay to pretend to be poor.

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14.01.22 Pt 1 - Imagine being interviewed by a panel of 5 people. The team gets into a discussion about the job interview process. What do you do with your engagement ring when you get divorced? Sell it? Redesign it? Give it back? Nevin Sher is a jewellery designer who answers all these questions and more!

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08.12.20 Pt 1 - It's that time of year again folks... time to regift your gifts from three years ago. It is being said that if you are going to be the last partner in a relationship to survive, be the woman - men fall apart. Was Michael Jackson a monster or a genius? Are celebrities the best people to speak about social issues?

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