09.05.23 Pt 2 - The SABC was the victim of fake news culture after an ‘official release’ went viral on social media about paying for car radio licenses. Pam Tudin-Buchalter, co-founder of Klikd, drops in to share her professional opinion about handling the influence of personalities online on kids… and their parents.

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02.05.23 Pt 1 - Gareth returns from a trip to Victoria Falls, and Lebang talks about every parent’s worst nightmare that happened over the weekend. JJ Cornish jumps on for Africanalysis to update us on Sudan and more.

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19.04.23 Pt 1 - Gareth and Ryan discover Mash grew up next to a prison, and is quite the expert on them! Ryan wants to check in on the Elon Musk front, after a no-go launch for his latest SpaceX project. And have you heard of this new drink craze called Prime?    

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