Gareth and Phumi are joined by Adil Nchabeleng, an energy expert and former corporate finance buff, to discuss South Africa’s grid woes - as well as the current state of government. Is South Africa a ticking time bomb of an Arab Spring… or will 2024 bring enough change to create stability in our country?

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09.03.23 Pt 1 - Phumi is hit with load shedding twice in a row, which brings the discussion of the power grid to the forefront and a caller reminisces about the South Africa of 10 years ago. Gareth responds to an article where he was misquoted about the Wits Protests.

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Eskom’s energy crisis is something we cannot escape as South Africans. Vally Padayachee, ex Eskom and City Power Executive Management, joins to answer some burning questions. Is privatising Eskom the solution? Is wind and solar power the way forward for South Africa, and where has the money disappeared to?

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Cleopatra VII lived at a great intersection of history... where Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome collided. She was undoubtedly one of the personalities of the age - and a woman of tremendous power and influence. While the story ended in Shakespearean tragedy, to have seen history unfold through her eyes was to have a front row seat to the destiny of the world.

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If you are building an organisation which is in public service, should you have to reveal all your funding sources? We have seen the erosion of State institutions over the past 20 years - can the poor survive without functional state apparatus? Is the relationship between unions and the ANC surreptitious? Do South Africans have a viable alternative political party to vote for? Brought to you by Nando’s.

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03.12.20 Pt 2 - If the only requirement to be the Messiah was long, well conditioned hair - who in your circle would get in? If you are in an emerging economy, what does it actually mean to free up the economy? This is a Public Service Announcement... if you are going to be President of South Africa, please know your tenure will end with a commission of inquiry.

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29.09.20 Pt 2 - If you want a summer body, get a personal trainer like RBG had... he will even push your physical limits beyond the grave. If you hate someone, should they come to your funeral? The real tragedy of death is not being able to tell your first wife that she wasn't your favourite. Nqobile tells us about his online dating social experiment... and Blind History is back - this week we feature founding father George Washington.

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Eva Perón was born poor, unimportant and ordinary, but she was ambitious. Her ambition was so great that it propelled her into power, influence, glamour and wealth. By the time she died at only 33, she received one of the most ostentatious funerals ever held - and ever since, Argentina has considered her a saint.

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