17.09.20 Pt 1 - How can we make women feel more comfortable and safe in society and in social spaces? Do you care about people's happiness if it doesn't directly affect you? Does the truth need to make you happy? Bla bla bla... South Africa is going to level one is all you need to know. Which diamonds tell you how much you are loved?

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20.08.20 Pt 2 - Alright, let's get this straight... just be nice and we'll vote for you. How wild is it that the USA's potential Vice-President was a weed smoking legal practitioner not so long ago? If you are going to be on an online call... unmute your mic, it's not hard. If you have a 'prison beard' and it ends up on YouTube, we will judge you.

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20.08.20 Pt 1 - If your ex-wife is asking for money and you had a R267 million upgrade on your house, which she lived in, it's probably a good thing you are divorced. Cardi B and her home boy Joe Biden are about "dat political life ya'll!" Covid is dead - the Kremlin has solved the mystery.

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02.07.20 Pt 1 - In the midst of lockdown, it's important to spare a thought for blessees without blessers' money. Do you know what the crossroads of Marxism and capitalism is? It's porn! According to Pinky, smoking weed is the perfect way to keep kids away. Get your dose of information from the Five Things You Need To Know... and Sean Sanders from Revix stops by for Beyond Bitcoin.

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25.06.20 Pt 1 - Who cares about an Uber rating when your bitch rating is higher than ever? Mannequin is not only a movie, but it's also Pinky's best friend. Who needs a man when you have booze and an imaginary friend? The big question is whether it was genital or oral herpes. Pirates died of toothaches... how wild is that?

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18.06.20 Pt 1 - The President of South Africa is a great prelude for a TV show's ratings, who knew? As South Africa enters Level 3 Light, please get a haircut... you are not a mountain man, you're a slob. Is it important to forgive deadbeat family? Van Gogh was a bit of a sex machine - he would have loved strippers dancing to Sarafina. And Jamie Ashton tells us her nightmare repatriation story.

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11.06.20 Pt 1 - If Covid-19 strikes, go find a sangoma... it's worth a bash. The Free State contributes less that 4% of the nation's tax, how is that possible for a place that big? Lockdown weight gain is real, time to get back to it. Not even a Belgian Prince can break lockdown rules.

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04.06.20 Pt 1 - Should you hold grudges, or just let it go? If you moved house during the pandemic, you deserve a medal. If you give somebody a horrible gift, what is an acceptable way for them to deal with that? Nobody wants to get Mbulelo as a gift. If you are from Lesotho, it's possible to go from First Lady to jail... what a wild ride!

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21.05.20 Pt 1 - If you shame your mom into a beauty upgrade, is that so bad? 'Petty socialist' has now made the merch shelf on the interwebs. If you have a fridge being loaded onto the wrong truck, look out for Timothy Maurice before getting angry. Moonshine and Stalin have both killed too many Russians. NDZ, Thuli and a Kardashian meet up... it's some incredible scenes.

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19.03.20 Pt 1 - Is Cyril’s government back in business with all this rule making? How will businesses treat their hiring and firing in these times of austerity? When the chips are down, the best business minds will survive - we explore which industries are doing well. South Africans have to drink less and the new deadline is 18:00 daily. News just in, coronavirus lasts for 8 days on plastic… thank goodness Michael Jackson isn’t around anymore. New York is in lockdown and we have a fan join us live to give us the latest corona-scoop from the USA.

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