Writer and analyst at the Institute of Race Relations, Gabriel Crouse joins The Burning Platform this week to discuss Herman Mashaba's recent dig at the IRR, the Digital Misinformation Conference, as well as the ideal coalition that South Africa should be focusing on.

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30.03.23 Pt 2 - Gabriel Crouse, writer and analyst at the Institute of Race Relations, comments on some current topics making headlines right now. This includes the IRR’s work on the Phala Phala cover-up angle, and a coalition fantasy of an ideal takeover in 2024. Kanthan is also very interested in the Digital Disinformation Conference that Gabriel spoke at this past weekend.

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Ian Cameron is today’s featured guest on The Burning Platform to talk about the upcoming EFF March, amongst other things, as well as comment on how South Africa has become a mafia state with SAPS have been captured in the process. Herman Mashaba drops in to give his comment on Julius Malema slamming him at the EFF Press Conference yesterday and also spill some inside information on the DA during his candidacy for Mayor a few years ago.

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Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter’s resignation is the big topic of the day, along with the ANC’s downfall in numbers, and the diamond in the rough of 2022. Serbia has made headlines for not sanctioning Russia, which opens up a conversation about leadership of all the Arabic states.

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15.12.22 Pt 2 - It’s the final Burning Platform of 2022. Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter is in the spotlight, we get an analysis of the ANC’s voting numbers, plus a look at some of the good that came from this year.

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15.12.22 Pt - 1 Gareth and Phumi talk about a range of issues that happened over this week, including the resignation of Andre de Ruyter, the suspension of John Hlope and NDZ’s recent comments in Parliament. “Stop Nonsense” is the general theme for this morning again! Also, what did you receive from work for Christmas? Some were blessed with air fryers…

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14.12.22 Pt 1 - Gareth is excited that Argentina is in the World Cup final - despite all the corruption going on throughout parliament yesterday. Ryan is also an Argentina fan, now that England broke his heart. Plus, Elon Musk’s 6 rules for insane productivity.

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Veteran journalist, filmmaker, and author Jacques Pauw joins Gareth, Phumi and Kanthan Pillay to unpack his latest book - Our Poisoned Land. They have a candid conversation about the deceit, corruption and incompetence that we have witnessed over the years from our government.

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01.12.22 Pt 2 - Veteran journalist, filmmaker and author Jacques Pauw joins the team to unpack his most recent book, Our Poisoned Land, which picks up where he left off in his previous book, The Presidentʼs Keepers. They also discuss the current situation with Cyril Ramaphosa’s potential impeachment over the Phala Phala farm saga.

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