Do you know what you might be putting onto your hands and all over your body as you sanitise during these times? If you don’t, you’ll want to listen to this. There’s great headway being made to prevent SARS-CoV2 contamination, by BioConsulting and their Organic Fresh® Sanitiser. The team tells Gareth more about how their product is a carefully formulated complex, exclusively consisting of natural unique S4L Technology flavonoids and extracts with extensively researched sanitary, health, environmentally friendly and food safety benefits. Despite what you might have heard, it’s not all doom and gloom out there!

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16.03.20 Pt 2 - Is less consumption possible for human beings? The Spanish flu killed a lot of humans, we’ve been here before. Germany wants to send money for the Covid-19 test to South Africa… send the tests, we’ll never see that money! Bernie thinks Ebola is back, oh dear. Before you worry about toilet paper, we tell you what the dirtiest surfaces are which you should be avoiding.

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12.03.20 Pt 1 - Tom Hanks is basically dead, he’s got Covid-19. Saudi Arabia is under internal turmoil, the king is under siege. Vlad Putin is a gentleman, he just has a bad temper. Gareth’s finger is fine, coronavirus has no chance of killing him. If you need advice on how to stay healthy, here it is: Wash your hands you dirty pig! People in relationships probably get the least sex right? What happens if you laugh at Zambia’s president? And don’t hide your kids from your other kids.

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26.02.20 Pt 1 - Can people smell their own armpits? Pilchards are being recalled in South Africa, are we expecting another shutdown? Eggs in your canned sardines, it’s free caviar... not for Leigh-Ann! Spam in your email inbox is something you need to manage. Siya eats in his bed and the bath… how sick is he? Women are better at academics than men. And is Hollywood just perv roulette?

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