09.10.23 Pt 1 - Gareth and the team are joined by Howard Sackstein - founding member of the Jewish Anti-Apartheid movement - to discuss the latest attacks on Israel, breaking down the reasons behind this war. Producer Ryan reports back on the weekend’s sport… and Dr Hanan has a challenge for you to get off the fence.

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Pt 1 - Have you ever wondered what the actual cost of your peace really is? Lebang Kgosana is curios, and unpacks ways to remove yourself from toxic and narcissistic people who ultimately take away from your peace. Be warned - this may be a trigger!

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Pt 3 - When you let go, you create space for something new to happen. It's like having a big bag full of junk, things you no longer use or need. Do you even know what's in there? It's essential to stop and take stock of what you really need emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. Out with the old, and in with the new!

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Call your parents or a relative you haven’t spoken to for a long time and sort out a feud that needs to be put to bed. Everyone has some ongoing feud that is doing them more damage than good. So for this week, call up the cousin you hate and wish them well for the new year. They might keep on being an arsehole, but you can start the year with a clear conscience and be the better person. That irritating old relative that nobody in the family likes? Phone them and say hi. Reconnect with an estranged parent. It might be one of the best things you ever do, or it could just be a noble gesture. Er, that’s it.

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