26.04.21 Pt 2 - Is taking tupperware from your parents classified as stealing? Leigh-Ann uses some interesting words to describe Siya, and Gareth’s brother joins the team to talk about his action figure collection.

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10.11.20 Pt 1 - "Dear Melissa, I hope this letter doesn't find you well, you broke my heart 25 years ago and I'll never forgive you"... hey, who doesn't have that memory and thought every now and then? When you have children and they scream at restaurants, what are single adults meant to do? Being inconsiderate is no longer a death sentence, is this good or bad news for humanity? Why do we need to keep renewing our driver’s license in South Africa - do we get worse at driving with time?

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17.03.20 Pt 1 - If you have a cold, you are dying... just accept that. In times when children have to be off school, au pairs should charge 10 times more than usual, supply and demand. As Covid-19 lockdowns rise, what personal projects will you take on board which you had put on ice? Gord Laws didn’t wear a shirt on his Instagram post, how should we feel about shirtless videos on Instagram? Panic buying is off the charts in South Africa, which means all toilet paper is off the shelves! And Gideon Vorster joins us from China to give us a Covid-19 update.

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