Why doesn't the Stock Market close when all other businesses have to? Who legislates the JSE? Are traders adjusting to volatility as the new norm on the market? While the Rand hit an all-time low, Anthea details what micro and macro factors could lead to inflation if we are not careful.

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08.04.20 Pt 2 - Siya is now chomping at the bit to get out of lockdown - in the words of Al Gore, "It's super serious!" South Africa has lost an icon... RIP Vinolia Mashego. Is everyone a yoga teacher now? The people have spoken, CliffCentral at the very least deserves a Nobel peace prize. What if your mom is starting to get passive aggressive with you because of cabin fever? If your lease is coming to an end, you better start looking for a bridge to live under. The truth is out... dolphins are sexist! There's snow and ski resorts in Africa - Peter Peyper joins us to chat about his love of snow sports.

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08.04.20 Pt 1 - Gareth has learned how to use a knife in lockdown and that's nice to hear. If your immune system is awful, you are at risk with Covid-19. Conspiracy theories are cannon fodder, but they are the opium of the masses... and who doesn't like opium? Are people sending fewer or more dick pics in this time of being stuck at home? Once Squirrel Ramaphosa lets us out of lockdown, how will you dress? And burying people now feels like death itself.

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01.04.20 Pt 2 - Pamina Bohrer from the Italian Chamber unpacks the organisation's role in the bilateral relations between South Africa and Italy. Elena Williams is the Tiger Queen as she's rising to the call to help the needy during lockdown, both in Africa and Europe - while still doing her real job. Timothy Maurice asks whether pornography has any place in the philosophical and evolutionary debate of nature vs nurture... who knew that we'd one day see porn and philosophical enquiry in bed together?

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01.04.20 Pt 1 - What do most people do with the extra time they have during a pandemic? If you can't sleep, it's cool, anxiety is real... don't feel too bad. Cyril Ramaphoria's jacket was way too short on the arms, is he lifting heavy or is it just a bad tailor job? Petrol will be dropping during lockdown, but what use is that to us? What profound lessons has Gord learned during the lockdown? Licking trolleys is not cool people, it's crazy that we have to do a PSA about that!

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31.03.20 Pt 2 - In the times of a pandemic lockdown, how do the arts survive? Can theatre and musicians make it through these testing times? The most vulnerable in our society need all the empathy we can give them at this time... if you are an addict, what are your options to stay sober and connect with support structures? Academia needs to keep going of course, and technology is playing its part. We reconnect with our Epson entrepreneurs for more lessons on how to succeed with your small business. King Henry VIII was a man of hedonistic excess like we have rarely seen - Blind History this week details the wives and women of Henry's vicious hegemony.

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