A lot of people don't think about rape, until it happens to them or someone close to them. Living in SA, rape happens daily, all around us - and we can't turn a blind eye to this reality. This may be triggering, but the truth is that rape in itself is a pandemic! So what can you do to help a rape victim once you have gone to the police? Who else can you turn to for assistance? Find out here!

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Anelene Van Wyk runs a 4 star guesthouse in Springbok in the Northern Cape. But the road to starting this venture was not an easy one, as someone who was forced to leave school and join the workforce with only a Grade 9 qualification. After many years of various jobs and starting her own business as a florist, the hospitality industry called to Anelene - and with the help of Business Partners Limited, she was able to buy the guesthouse and build her dream career. In this episode, we find out how the Business Partners Limited's Covid Relief Initiative helped Anelene's business survive the pandemic.

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Timothy asked his global network at the beginning of the pandemic how the pandemic was influencing what they wanted more of and less of in their lives. Over a year later, he wants to know how Covid-19 has impacted you and your desires - what do you want more of and less of? Email your thoughts about how your desires have changed since the first lockdown to podcast@timothymaurice.com.

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Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the team to have a candid conversation about mental health and the impact of the Covid-19 vaccine. He advises that people shouldn't wait for happiness, but should dance while the music is playing... and the importance of being able to adjust to new situations that may occur in your life.

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Sometimes you need to stop and take a breath. Perhaps last year’s pandemic and the resulting drastic lockdown measures gave many of us that opportunity. Armed with an excuse, some of us have used this time to appreciate the extraordinary changes in our lives. The most valuable businesses - like Amazon, Netflix, Google and Facebook  - didn’t exist 30 years ago, now they’re the ones we can’t live without...

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The world is going through tremendous chaos and change, individuals and corporations are trying to adapt to this change with little or no guide or reference point. What is the public ‘bidding’ for? Emotional stability? Consistency? Answers? Hope? Leadership? A blueprint? An escape? Dr Hanan Bushkin - renowned psychologist and head of the Anxiety and Trauma Clinic - chats to Gareth about all this and more.

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2020 was a year that no one could have predicted. Plagued by the Coronavirus and subsequent disruptions to our daily lives and the global economy, it was extremely difficult to stay on course. In this season finale, Waterfall Management Company’s CEO Willie Vos, and CEO of Attacq, Melt Hamman, look back at how world-class business leadership, unwavering passion and careful planning allowed Waterfall to not only endure, but to accomplish incredible things despite the pandemic. They also look at what lies ahead in 2021.

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22.12.20 Pt 1 - Machines don’t make mistakes, and (with all due respect), you're the idiot if you forget your password. The team chats about which Christmas traditions are non-negotiable. Sam Smith is undergoing a transition and has a tricky request - because it needs a womb in order to be fulfilled. And pilots: heroes of the sky, or glorified bus drivers?

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21st Century life is demanding; even without the burden of a global pandemic, daily stresses mean personal health often takes the backseat as we raise families and attempt to maintain professional and personal relationships. To help people keep a healthy balance, dietician Stephanie Joyner started a meal prep and delivery business called TasteBox. Healthy food doesn't have to cost a fortune, and if you want your portions sliced, diced and spiced, this is your dream come true. For more details click here. Brought to you by Ozow.

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04.12.20 Pt 1 - Nelson Mandela Bay has let down two parts of the world. All Xhosa people are now ashamed and so is Cyril Ramaphosa, it's not a good situation at all. If you want to make free money, go and join #TimesUp and you might get to hang out with the insufferable Amy Schumer at a 5-star resort. Surely we don't need cash in 2020?

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