It’s time to do some spring cleaning and get rid of the things you are hoarding... from old receipts, to that broken vase you thought you would fix, and anything else you don’t use.

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You might think it’s stupid or bizzare, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. See if you can catch an animal (hopefully not your pet), such as an Indian myna, to sharpen your ‘blending in with nature’ skills.

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19.05.21 Pt 2 - Siya muted Oprah for a whole month… what could she have possibly done for him to do that? Do you know what eco-bricks are? Sean Williams - founder of Live Life Always - joins the team to talk about eco-bricks, which can be used to produce various things like furniture, garden walls and more.

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The task for this week seems easy but is it really? Take some time to send a lengthy reply to the scam emails that you get, or even answer the phone call from the telemarketing company. Share your life story, or find out a bit more about them... the whole point is to have fun.

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This week the task is to extend your kindness and test your braveness to welcome a stranger into your house, yard or even office. Offer them some tea or coffee, or anything you feel comfortable with.

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Have a little fun and live life on the edge by looking at someone suggestively, and if they look back just as suggestively - charge them some money. Don’t let it stop there, charge for everything from kissing them on the cheek... to allowing them to touch your hand. Go forth and dare to be out there.

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23.04.21 Pt 1 - Siya wasn’t the biggest believer when it comes to mediums, but after an indirect encounter with one, he just might be now. If you are looking for a reason to charge people, the One Thing for the Week is just for you. Siri knows what Oprah is reading… we all know who shared that right?

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The task for this week is to discriminate in a positive manner. This includes only purchasing things from women over the age of 55, doing business with people taller than you, getting far away from pregnant women, and refusing to answer questions from brunettes… think you are up for the task?

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06.04.21 Pt 1 - Whilst everyone’s weekend was pretty chilled and restful, Leigh-Ann on the other hand was dealing with Easter cooking stress. The One Thing for the Week task involves you discriminating in a positive light. Gareth thinks he might have to consult a sangoma... and there’s a pastor who believes he can heal you by farting.

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Perform a random act of kindness this week by tipping abnormally more than you usually do. You get to decide who will be the lucky person, and your tip shouldn’t be based on their service... but as an act of generosity.

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