09.01.23 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann found herself in a dangerous situation during December, having to choose what she would want to save from a fire. Eugene and Gareth get into taking accountability for the tragic explosion that happened in Boksburg a couple of weeks ago. And what are you expecting from your 2023?

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MKT gives us his movie review about Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings and Paulo has his say too, you need to hear this, it makes sense. With Kylian Mbappe's recent comments around the proposal of a biannual FIFA World Cup, the team discusses the validity of the showpiece being held every two years. Are Left Backs a bigger headache than one would deem necessary in Football? The greatest game show on Earth returns, Pogba or Drogba, and the outcome is stunning! Ryan takes his swag levels to unprecedented levels and it's quite the conversation starter.

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2020 will soon be behind us, and with the possible exceptions of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, nobody will be sad to see the back of it. But if, like me, you absolutely cannot spend another minute talking about vaccines, masks or curfews, then what I’m about to tell you will (hopefully) feel like something fresh...

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29.10.20 Pt 1 - How can we celebrate New Year's if the midnight curfew is still in place? A virtual reality world is exciting, but also annoying. What is the normal amount of time to spend on YouTube? How patient are you with people who have a stutter? And what amount of money would be enough for you to never have to work again?

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