Timothy brings you a 3-part series on Mind Control. In this first episode he does two things - establish just how necessary controlling minds is under certain conditions, and give you one powerful technique to control someone’s mind when it's absolutely necessary.

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Timothy explores the neuroscience of how women and men’s brains are wired differently, and why this matters to how you lead and engage each other. He ends the show with tips on how to boost your brain power for both women and men.

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16.08.22 Pt 2 - Johann Hari has written a fascinating book about how we’re all more distracted than ever. It’s partly obvious - screens, technology, non-stop reels of news, pictures, videos and self-absorbed nonsense… but it’s also much more dangerous. It’s actually making us dumber too.

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How do we keep our brain healthy and functioning at an optimal level? This week on Health Matters we're speaking to Timothy Maurice Webster. Timothy is a bestselling author of 4 human and brand behaviour books, and host of The Brain and Brand Show podcast for the past 6 years, which is ranked in the top 20 in 17 countries. His skills include applying neuroscience and behavioural science to decision making, and in this episode we talk about increasing brain resilience and creative problem solving. Brought to you by Cipla.

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Timothy shares research from a Harvard Happiness Researcher, about what happens to your brain after practising 21 days of gratitude. He then shares his own research, where he puts his friends and others in his professional network to a gratitude test.

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Timothy shares 3 behavioural design ideas, as well as conversations and research with strangers, about what makes them happy.

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Timothy explores how our nervous systems are wired to experience arousal, and why if you hope to succeed, you must be prepared to arouse others with your ideas and products. Dr Dean Sherzai - a Neurologist and Neuroscientist at Loma Linda University in Southern California - explains why our brains are wired for arousal, and why it’s not just for pleasure, but for survival too.

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Timothy brings you his latest series on the neuroscience of arousal, and why you should be proactively trying to arouse people from their dormant view on who you are and what you have to offer. The 3-part series will explore the biology of arousal, the arousal war and how to apply the principles to trigger desire.

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Timothy catches up with regular guest neuroscientist Dr Tara Swart, author of the global bestseller, ‘The Source’ and MIT Sloan lecturer. In 5 short minutes, Dr Swart offers quick tips on how to give your brain more capacity to lead at the highest level, and even to deal with unconscious biases.

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Yvonne van Wyk joins Dr Mark and Chris Avant Smith this week to discuss Neuro Therapies, looking at issues of stress and examining our flight or fight instincts. Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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