5G technology has been one of the hottest topics in the tech world in recent years. But what you might not know is that there's a significant difference between the 5G networks being rolled out by mobile network operators for consumers, and the private 5G being offered by some service providers to businesses. Join Jaco Voigt and his guest - Justin Colyn from Comsol - as they dive into why this fifth-generation technology has garnered so much hype and excitement. They also discuss whether businesses can rely on a single connectivity source for their needs, and what the next two years may look like in this rapidly evolving space. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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Timothy Maurice speaks to Leslie Grossman, faculty director at the Centre for Excellence at George Washington University and author of ‘Link Out, How to Turn your Network into a Chain of Lasting Connections’. They explore 3 strategies to practically build what Grossman calls, ‘your entourage’.

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This week Jaco and his guest get practical about the key benefits of back-ups. What is your business doing to ensure active saving of valuable data? What is your plan should there be a network breach or a physical disaster? Jaco unpacks different ways to ensure that back-ups are done and discusses the harsh realities of the outcome of a global survey done in 2020 that confirms statistics like, “Only 20% of IT professionals follow best practices” and “While nearly 90% of companies are backing up data, only 41% do it daily”. World Back-Up Day is on 31 March – let this podcast shed some light on what you need to do to ensure business security and preparation! Brought to you by Catalytic.

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