What if you actually had the power to do something about loadshedding? NESTLÉ BAR.ONE has launched an awesome campaign called NESTLÉ BAR.ONE #needenergy – Lighting up Libraries. This campaign is all about keeping libraries open by providing energy during loadshedding, so our youth can have a place to prepare for their mid-year exams. DJ Sbu, former Miss South Africa 2020 Shudufhadzo Musida, and Kuvashni Bhagwandas from Nestlé join the show to tell us more.

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07.06.23 Pt 2 - The conversation about cleanliness continues, as Mash shares that he now has a helper for the first time ever. Sean Sanders from Revix joins to share the latest updates in the crypto market, and we also learn about an awesome campaign called NESTLÉ BAR.ONE #needenergy – Lighting up Libraries.

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