The team catches up with JJ Cornish, who shares insights about what is currently taking place in Mozambique and whether or not the South African military should get involved. He also talks about the Suez blockage, and what implications it has. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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Grave concern in Mozambique, where the impotence of the African Union is compounded by crushing poverty and the actions of Muslim fundamentalists, who are converting vulnerable civilians at the end of a barrel. The team discusses the potential for corruption around the Covid vaccine process in South Africa, and how citizens might end up overpaying, while many may not even get vaccinated. And finally, what will the Biden regime mean for Africa?

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14.01.21 Pt 2 - With Donald Trump having effectively been kicked off social media, there are a lot of people asking a lot of questions about free speech on digital platforms, and who decides which voices get heard. The team discusses how citizens need to become more involved in their communities in order to effect change in South Africa. And finally, it turns out that Africa is the youngest continent geologically, but we continue to have the oldest leaders… Go figure.

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21.12.20 Pt 2 - Have you considered whether or not the Covid vaccine is Halal? It’s important at this point to recognise that the word “pork” means many things. Turns out Barack Obama likes South African music, while Sasha Obama has hood tendencies. Heard of Miriam Rodríguez? She’s a Mexican mash up of Rambo and Batman. How much would you pay to destroy something to which Donald Trump is linked?

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08.12.20 Pt 2 - When you display your booty on the Gram, don't thank Jesus... he doesn't need that kind of energy in a pandemic year. Dr Anne Biccard joins the team to speak about the life of a trauma surgeon and her book, 'Saving a Stranger’s Life: The Diary of an Emergency Room Doctor'. Blind History this week features the man known as 'The Hammer of The Inquisition' - pure evil personified, Leyenda Negra himself, Tomás de Torquemada.

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Sudan has been removed from the terrorist list by the United States of America, meaning the country can see itself into the global economy and remove the shackles of al-Bashir's ill-fated regime. The WHO is extending a courtesy to African remedies pertaining to Covid-19 health, but that will come with strict protocols. Mozambique is under Jihadi insurgency, and there isn't a pretty end in sight for its citizens. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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