24.12.21 Pt 2 - Winding up the year in comedic style - Riaad Moosa and Joey Rasdien join the team to talk about the much-anticipated sequel to the hugely popular, award-winning ‘Material’ called ‘New Material’... and also just for a general catch-up.

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16.04.21 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann is curious to know if she is the only one who suffers from sexsomnia, and it seems like she just might be. And find out how to successfully cheat using a certain website.

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08.03.21 Pt 1 - A brief discussion about the recent interview conducted by Oprah Winfrey with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry kickstarts the show. Don’t be surprised if one of these good days, Gareth’s deep fake is the one doing the show. Leigh-Ann tortured herself this past weekend by watching a scary thriller all on her own… why would you do that?

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The pandemic has been brutal for the arts, but Netflix and the digital revolution have allowed actors to continue to thrive, even during the global lockdown. Fulu Mugovhani - star of ‘Seriously Single‘ - divulges the pleasures of working with comedy legend Tumi Morake, and who she uses as a muse for her characters. She's on screens in 183 countries now, but is her family proud of her? ‘Seriously Single’ is available on Netflix.

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06.03.20 Pt 1 - The secret in life is not to panic… just run! Should we stay away from everyone in KZN, even if they are our family? Covid-19 is a real thing and it’s in South Africa. The leadership of Singapore has declared there’s nothing to worry about, they’re ready for all outcomes, but it’s business as usual. The new James Bond launch has been postponed, it’s nothing personal, it’s just business. If Siya died, we’d just move on... it wouldn’t be hard. There’s a dead rat in the roof, it’s awful! There's a guy under the bridge with a girlfriend, so what's wrong with you?

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18.02.20 Pt 1 - Was Keith Sweat the Idris Elba of the 90s? Phumi got nothing from her son for Valentine's Day, these 12-year-old girls are triggering her by taking his attention away from her. Photos came with no warning in the past, just a massive flash! Is it possible to have too many old people in your life? Two minute man Siya details this for us. A McLaren driver made Gareth jealous. Black women’s hairstyles are exponential, but which is the safest option?

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04.02.20 Pt 1 - All black clothing is the way to go, even in load shedding. The naked Jesus is in Northcliff, all the way from Bethlehem. Also, Jesus is black. What exactly is a caucus? Siya details life without a phone... his biggest regret is the nudes he’s lost. Gwen met FW de Klerk and woke Twitter had its say. Data must fall again, it’s not happening. If you need to get stuff back, Phumi has a squad.

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