This week Dr Hanan joins the team to share how to get out of a relationship when you discover your partner is a narcissist and what a healthy and unhealthy level of jealousy is.

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Even though we all deal with stress in different ways, is it okay to vent and speak out about it? This week we have a special guest - Mark Sham who recently posted a video on Facebook about the importance of speaking up when you’re struggling. Do men deal with this differently to women?

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It seems that almost every day we are hearing that someone we know has either died, or is in hospital - and lately it’s mostly Covid related. Our social media feeds are full of RIPs or messages of hope and support for someone in ICU. These are our friends, family members and colleagues. How do we deal with this overwhelming and seemingly endless cycle of loss on a personal level? Dr Hanan Bushkin tells us how we as a nation can handle the potential ‘grief pandemic’.

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05.07.21 Pt 1 - Seems like Mbulelo might be taking over Siya’s gold digging status. Loss, grief and the “you need to be strong” speech are discussed with Dr Hanan Bushkin.

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Dr Hanan Bushkin explains how comparison is the thief of all joy. What people should do instead, is chase their own goals. Learn to focus on comparing yourself to become a better version of yourself.

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31.05.21 Pt 1 - Gareth is back from his Kruger National Park weekend away. The team isn’t really surprised at the level 2 lockdown announcement, and Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the show to talk about the importance of chasing your own goals.

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Timothy presents the final episode in the 3-part applied behavioural science series. In this episode, he explores three effects: The Network Effect, the Ikea Effect and the Hawthorne Effect to get the best out of the series and effectively apply all seven behavioural science principles, be sure to download the first two episodes as well.

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Timothy Maurice Webster brings you a simple to understand and practical 3-part series on how to use brain science research to change and nudge behaviour for the purposes of connecting with clients, motivating consumers to make decisions, and even to change your own stubborn habits. In this series, Timothy will share 7 strategies. In episode one he brings you the Endowed Progress Effect and Stimulus Devaluation. A big thanks for the introduction from Rory Sutherland, the Behavioural Science author of 'Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas that Don’t Make Sense'.

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In the midst of these crazy times, it’s astonishing that Pepe Marais has been able to not only raise the bar at Joe Public United, but also inspire and assist people towards being the best version of themselves through his writing. Gareth talks to him about his new book, and finding your purpose.

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What binds South Africa together in these tough times? And how do we move forward? Howard Sackstein, Gwen Ngwenya and Songezo Zibi join Gareth's panel. Plus special guest Dr Hanan Bushkin, gives us some tips to deal with anxiety and trauma.

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