25.05.20 Pt 1 - As of 1 June 2020, you are allowed to drink in South Africa... how much booze will you put into your body on that day? If you dry your underwear in a work colleague's office, should they get to shank you? Earthquakes should never end an interview. What's the worst pick-up line you've ever heard? Whatever it is, Siya topped it. Cringeworthy stuff!

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18.05.20 Pt 1 - Unless there's cat vomit on your webinar, it's not great viewing. Chequebooks are ridiculous aren't they, it's 2020! Gareth might buy the Pope's car... bless him. You can socially distance and still preach the good word. And do Cubans just call them cigars?

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Why doesn't the Stock Market close when all other businesses have to? Who legislates the JSE? Are traders adjusting to volatility as the new norm on the market? While the Rand hit an all-time low, Anthea details what micro and macro factors could lead to inflation if we are not careful.

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Banks are expecting a $5 trillion loss from all the coronavirus related economic inactivity. The All Share Index is up 4%, which is a disconnect from the real world economy. Sasol's share price is up 73%... what is going on there? Volatility is at an all time high on the markets, even beyond 2008 numbers. Is lockdown a good time to be online trading? Crowd1 - be careful, do research before signing up. China reopening its economy has been interesting. And the World Bank has some scary predictions for Sub-Saharan economies.

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06.04.20 Pt 1 - Are Easter eggs a cure for all viruses in general? Should Damon be given his share of the trillions that will be made from selling hot water and lemon to the masses? If you want to employ a sexy voice, Leigh-Ann Mol is your person... Mbuleo however has a voice that's about as sexy as a rotten carrot in a toilet bowl. He'll die alone. If family invites you to digital drinking games, what do you do if you are nearly out of booze? And Putin does not like people talking about his kids in public.

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Edcon has been teetering for a while, but the Covid-19 lockdown may very well be the coup de grace which deems the company defunct. Mr Price has delayed the release of its reports during the lockdown, and there are murmurs that bonuses and raises for their executive staff may be frozen until further notice. Moody's has finally dropped the hammer and South Africa is now officially at junk status. How will this affect South Africa, from the Reserve Bank to the citizen who is paying a bond and school fees? Will Covid-19 be harder to recover from than the market crash of 2008?

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The credo of those who trade on stock markets right now is “sell, sell, sell!” The trend as we stand is to move from equity to cash. The All-Share index is 9% down this week. South Africa - of all the emerging markets on planet Earth - is doing well, let’s see if that holds. Banks are trading at 2008 levels, yikes! Capitec came out with a strong message for shareholders. On the surface, some property shares are showing a 40% yield, but the fine print needs a sharp eye. There’s a difference between panic and capitulating - Anthea explains. Big up to the blue bank of South Africa... students and SMEs will be grateful for the next 90 days.

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We’re in a bear market now, that’s not great news. In the USA, central banks will cut interest rates and pump “easy money” into the system. We saw quantitative easing in 2008, and what did the banks do then? Sasol are struggling, but do we just need to calm down? As an investor, when is the best time to buy/sell shares? Anthea gives her post Covid-19 hopes for South African consumers.

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17.03.20 Pt 2 - Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato are figures who need no introduction. Blind History season 3 is here! In episode one we take a journey back in time to the acropolis of Athens to explore the lives of the fathers of Western Philosophy, and what shaped their outlooks which have impacted everything which governs society today. Anthea Gardner joins us in studio to talk about the state of the world economy in these Covid-19 frenzied times.

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Seleho is quite clear about where you shouldn’t put your money as corona fear spreads throughout the market. Has South Africa stayed with the markets of the world in terms of growth? The blue and green banks of South Africa have posted contrasting results... it’s amazing to see the polarity. Ye old faithful Bidvest continues to offer value in a shrinking economy, how are they so robust? OPEC is at loggerheads internally, and Anglo American declares a force majeure.

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