Sean Sanders from Revix discusses the likelihood of Ethereum overtaking Bitcoin as the largest cryptocurrency, whether or not cryptocurrency is taxed, and he shares some really amazing news.

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13.05.21 Pt 1 - Seems like Michael Flax finally understands the importance of having a good skincare routine. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but it makes a really good story for when you’re old. And Phumi doesn't think Flax needs any make-up at all.

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In the midst of these crazy times, it’s astonishing that Pepe Marais has been able to not only raise the bar at Joe Public United, but also inspire and assist people towards being the best version of themselves through his writing. Gareth talks to him about his new book, and finding your purpose.

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18.11.20 Pt 2 - Should we trust rich people who meditate? The SABC and its employees were as shocked as the President of South Africa when a failing business had to retrench people... these are the same journalists who tell you about the economy daily folks. What would you do if your wife said she was impregnated by the holy spirit and wouldn't have sex with you? And why can’t South Africans secure a home loan?

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18.11.20 Pt 1 - Old people secretly like it when young people get hurt so they don't feel like it's all over for their ailing bodies. If you want to own a horse, marry rich or forget it. Facebook and Twitter are in front of the Senate again, and this ruling could change the face of how we interact on the web. Jeff Bezos is now delivering medicine to your house... is he the greatest man alive?

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19.08.20 Pt 2 - The honest truth is that children are very rarely a good investment if you are looking for any sort of ROI. Who's the disaster in your family, be honest it's you isn't it, yes you in the mirror! If your lady bits have WAP tendencies, what could be causing this... Dr Robyn diagnoses. Ladies, if your baby is big at birth, there's no shame in letting them out through the 'sunroof'. We then find out how girls and women can empower themselves, and their own safety with ‘Girls on Fire’.

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19.08.20 Pt 1 - If you are a Virgo, are you better at harvesting 'night energy' by closing your eyes for 8 hours or so... if only we had five letters to describe that process? Do we need to cater for luddites on Zoom? Tracy Chapman says "forgive me" - I don't do technology. Don't tell your parents you have WAP at your house, the meaning's changed.

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31.07.20 Pt 2 - Fellow South Africans... 'Maaarkel' says you must be 'maaandfool' as an exercise in conflict resolution. Do we still need formal clothing for a corporate job in lockdown? Are you perfect as you are, or can you improve constantly? Is South Africa's summer going to be busy... or just face masks in the heat? What hobbies have you picked up during lockdown?

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31.07.20 Pt 1 - Turns out 6AM is a nice time of day if you bother to get up. ‘Going to gym’ is just a schlep now... might as well rather get a physics degree than go back to that mess. Getting a puppy is a chick magnet, but there's a cuteness threshold of diminishing returns - be careful. Lockdown relationships are complicated, but at least you're not married, divorce is another level of pandemic trauma. And Flax had a haircut from hell.

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