28.07.21 Pt 2 - In a digital world where screens and devices are constantly vying for our attention, preserving our digital wellbeing is no longer a nice-to-have - it’s a necessity. Sarah Hoffman joins the team to talk about digital burnout. Gareth reveals his addiction to watching hydraulic press videos, and Flax shares the details about Jo’burg’s coolest new activity.

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28.07.21 Pt 1 - The worst patients are the ones who walk in with their own diagnosis - like Flax. Mbulelo’s pragmatism extends to birthday presents: he only wants money deposited into his bank account. Sean Sanders then joins the guys to give them the latest cryptocurrency news.

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30.06.21 Pt 2 - Is Mbulelo the only one who trusts someone with a PhD over someone who is street smart? Court is in session as Simphiwe tries to defend herself for bringing Covid to CliffCentral. Don’t ever ask anyone from CliffCentral except Gareth to look after your plants, because they will die.

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Sean Sanders from Revix talks about Bitcoin being up by 15%, and what is driving those gains. He also answers questions about the difference between digital currency and cryptocurrency.

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30.06.21 Pt 1 - Gareth is not swayed about the news of Jacob Zuma being found guilty, which leads the team to talking about some of the worst prisons in the world. Sean Sanders from Revix joins to give us the latest crypto update.

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Once again Florida makes its way into the headlines as a Florida man hops onto a scooter to chase after his stolen Lamborghini. Russia is incentivising its citizens to get vaccinated by giving away some cars. On a bit of a side note, George Mienie shares his thoughts on crying at the office. Powered by AutoTrader.

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18.06.21 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann's inner comedian comes out as she shares a few dad jokes. What are some of the signs to look out for when you are burnt out? And if you ever see someone crying at a drive-thru, there’s a good chance that it’s Siya.

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18.06.21 Pt 1 - If you’re ever in need of financial advice, don’t go to Michael Flax, he’s just going to tell you to spend it. Some singing takes place that just might cause your ears to grow legs and run for the hills!

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01.06.21 Pt 2 - If given the option, would you voluntarily give up alcohol? The team share some WhatsApp hacks when it comes to voice notes, and Siya wants to know more about the gun regulations in South Africa.

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01.06.21 Pt 1 - Both Flax and Siya find out why you shouldn’t be busy with your phone when you are at the petrol station, and Gareth isn’t too thrilled with the Chinese government...

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