"Poverty is both a cause of mental health problems, and a consequence” (Knifton & Inglis, 2020). Prof Crick Lund, Dr John Parker and Danny Diliberto join us for this episode. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Does women’s mental health differ from men’s mental health? Is gender a critical variable, and does it play a role in how mental illness expresses itself? These questions form part of our conversation for this episode, where we are joined by two psychiatrists - Prof. Soraya Seedat and Prof. Solly Rataemane. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Our special guests Prof Seedat and Dr Fernandes join us to discuss the impact of the current pandemic on our mental health, and mental health resources. Has mental illness increased, or are we simply seeing understandable levels of distress to an abnormal situation?

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Prof. Sean Kaliski joins us to discuss the dilemmas confronting forensic psychiatrists when dealing with sexual offenders... and whether or not to ascribe their offence to disorders of their personalities, or mental illness. The consequences of this decision has profound implications for the offender - namely whether to be treated or jailed.

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Beyond Madness - in proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave - is our new podcast series that maps not only the practical aspects of psychiatry, but also its purpose, and shares a broader view on the service and outcomes that the discipline provides to society. The series intends to demystify both psychiatry and the plight of those afflicted with mental illness. The host, Professor Christopher Paul Szabo, joins the team to tell us more about this new series.

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20.10.21 Pt 2 - Mbulelo is impressed with Alan’s skincare routine... just because life is hectic doesn’t mean you have to neglect taking care of yourself. October is Mental Health awareness month and we have a new mental health podcast launching on CliffCentral. Host Professor Christopher Paul Szabo tells us more.

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15.02.21 Pt 2 - Do you have a first aid kit at home like Leigh-Ann... prepared for any emergency? The team discuss 'old people' health issues. Did you know that one in every three South Africans is on medication for anxiety or depression? The team has a candid conversation about mental illness, depression, and anxiety. Marion Scher, author of ‘Surfacing - People Coping with Depression and Mental Illness’ joins the conversation.

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