15.02.21 Pt 1 - Valentine's Day has come and gone and surprise, surprise - it wasn’t that bad. Four-poster beds are selling out in the UK thanks to the sex scenes in a certain TV series. Schools are open, parents must be excited... and a prank gone wrong.

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22.12.20 Pt 1 - Machines don’t make mistakes, and (with all due respect), you're the idiot if you forget your password. The team chats about which Christmas traditions are non-negotiable. Sam Smith is undergoing a transition and has a tricky request - because it needs a womb in order to be fulfilled. And pilots: heroes of the sky, or glorified bus drivers?

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21.12.20 Pt 1 - The South African beach restrictions debate rages on! It’s been a year that’s driven us to drink, but seriously - it’s 2020. should we still be engaging in drinking competitions? Hypothetically speaking, if the US President and his entourage are killed, is there a backup plan for someone else to keep lying to us? And finally - sometimes leftovers just taste better.

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11.11.20 Pt 2 - Stephen Fry is delivering history in a fashion that's fun. Harry and Meghan... are they just attention-seeking slobs, or are they living their best life? Is Queen Elizabeth the last hope of a united Britain? Imagine being married to someone with Covid-19, how would that go? Cocaine gave us psychoanalysis and great thriller literature, so let's not be too hard on Colombia's finest. FYI: Avoiding the doctor doesn't mean you're not sick. And is the woke mob destroying the planet? Find out in our new feature - The Alternative.

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21.09.20 Pt 2 - If you forget a friend's birthday, should you feel bad... even if they've had 35 before? Obama has written another book, is he jealous of his wife's book sales? If you die, will you cuss the living? Are we interested in the drug-infused meltdown of the world's teenagers? Paris Hilton claims she's a real person. Meghan Markle has already torn one powerful family apart, the White House might be next - stay tuned!

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