Sometimes I wonder if everyone has gone mad, if there are any adults left in the room? It’s 2022 and we’ve just been through a really challenging pandemic. Many died, many more got sick and many more than that had their lives changed irrevocably. Instead of taking a deep breath and looking on optimistically as COVID starts to fade, it seems the lunacy is ratcheting up...

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31.08.21 Pt 2 - Keeping your garden well maintained, according to the guys, is something to be proud of. Flax has a whole avocado tree that he is super proud of... and Mbulelo has a mate who lectures with his mask on!

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30.04.21 Pt 1 - Siya doesn’t allow his family to listen to the show, Leigh-Ann doesn’t know how to explain what the podcast is about, and Gareth is just here to talk a lot of… nonsense? And can we all agree that there’s nothing normal about driving your car into a restaurant?

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Are you anything like Siya’s mom who has a mask for every occasion? Gareth and Leigh-Ann are slightly proud of themselves as they managed to lose a couple of kgs in a week. Onke Vulidobo Sitwayi, founder of No One Left Behind - a non-profit organisation - is a young man trying to make a difference in his community by committing to walking for 27 days from Johannesburg to Cape Town to raise funds for education and upliftment projects.

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04.03.21 Pt 1 - How would you feel if your doctor joined a Zoom meeting while operating on you? Plus a bit of background noise over here, some history chat over there, an email from a #GCS listener, and an informative conversation with Sean Sanders about the world of cryptocurrency.

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18.02.21 Pt 1 - Masks and social distancing have saved us from bad breath and people standing too close to you... but is Phumi being dramatic when it comes to judging grown folks for eating ice-cream in public? Where does one find 40 people in the middle of the day to incite violence? Has social media made it okay to blatantly lie about our appearance?

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10.02.21 Pt 1 - Long time friend Casper de Vries joins the team and shares how life has been since the inception of lockdown, his recent TV show, and the reaction to it that shocks him to the core. Siya burnt his tongue, and Gareth is thoroughly entertained with former President Zuma’s sphithiphiti video.

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29.01.21 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann's motivation for buying bootleg booze is to save the wine farms... and because she wants alcohol. Between Gareth, Siya and Leigh-Ann who do you think is the worst driver? Teacher and GCS listener, Gabriella Borowsky, shares her opinion on how school is not only about the curriculum. The classroom is about all those incidental social and emotional moments that cannot be replicated through a screen.

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Only in Italy do Italian cops get to drive a Lamborghini police car... can we move to Italy and become cops already? The oldest driver in the world is currently 107 - should there be a maximum driving age? And Joe Biden goes electric. Powered by AutoTrader.

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25.01.21 Pt 1 - Watch out world, Siya is bringing leopard print back into fashion. What advice would you give Siya's friend who confessed to cheating with a married man? Fun fact... there was a discovery of a dinosaur’s anus!

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