03.10.23 Pt 2 - Mark Sham expresses his love for small towns in South Africa - being an avid traveller, he claims this is where the soul of the country lies. Gareth gets into bad social media habits, and how the world needs more fat shamers.

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03.10.23 Pt 1 - Content Creator and Public Speaker, Mark Sham, is in town and picks Gareth’s brain about having access to massive audiences from such a young age. Mark comments on the Tottenham Hotspur and Trevor Noah debacles in marketing tourism, and JJ Cornish joins for Africanalysis.

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Even though we all deal with stress in different ways, is it okay to vent and speak out about it? This week we have a special guest - Mark Sham who recently posted a video on Facebook about the importance of speaking up when you’re struggling. Do men deal with this differently to women?

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12.07.21 Pt 1 - The weekend consisted of Gareth watching the Wimbledon final and Richard Branson going into space. Leigh-Ann shares a new finding about our own bodies being able to reverse grey hair. And Dr Hanan Bushkin addresses Mark Sham’s recent social media post about his personal struggles.

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Your civil liberties are not a given, they are constantly to be fought for. Mark Sham of #SACitizensUnite challenges South Africans to not be silent in the fight for a better country. How can you get actively involved, how can you protest together, and will technology be the saviour of society against poor governance? It's okay to want a better life, but what are you willing to do to have that life?

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29.07.20 Pt 2 - If you lived in South Africa in the 80s and 90s, Naas Botha was your Brad Pitt - don't deny it. Tom Hanks might be moving to Greece, because it's easier to get his way there. There's a fat bear in Alaska, and no it's not Khulubuse Zuma. Catch So What Now?... tonight on eNCA at 20:30.

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