17.07.23 Pt 2 - Gareth finds another reason to slate modern dating options, with a new fact about Tinder. Which bosses make the worst bullies? Marion Scher chats to the team about her new book, Big Bully.

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As a parent, one of the more difficult and challenging scenarios would be to discover that your child is being bullied, or is a bully. The stereotypical image of a brute harassing your child remains, but in reality the phenomenon of bullying extends beyond childhood, and certainly beyond the playground. This episode features psychiatrist Dr Sandra Fernandes, and author Marion Scher. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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15.02.21 Pt 2 - Do you have a first aid kit at home like Leigh-Ann... prepared for any emergency? The team discuss 'old people' health issues. Did you know that one in every three South Africans is on medication for anxiety or depression? The team has a candid conversation about mental illness, depression, and anxiety. Marion Scher, author of ‘Surfacing - People Coping with Depression and Mental Illness’ joins the conversation.

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