Having been an essential part of Tourvest Travel Services for over 27 years, Maria Watkins - General Manager at TTS - jumps on with Gareth Cliff and Lebang Kgosana to discuss how to prioritise booking a vacation in South Africa’s current economic climate, and how to do it on a budget. We see some unexpected suggestions come to the table, bringing forward one of Lebang’s biggest fears... and some hilarious stories from Maria from her most recent travels. Plan your own adventure with Travel.co.za.

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13.06.23 Pt 1 - Lebang needs to vent after hanging out with a friend whose personality is based solely on the things she wants and owns, vs something genuine. What do South Africans do on Youth Day these days? Lebang reflects on her year so far, using Dr Hanan’s pearls of wisdom. Is her coin spend balanced? And Maria Watkins joins from Tourvest Travel Services for ‘The Window Seat’.

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