This week one of our CliffCentral family members, comedian Dave Levinsohn, joins us to share his difficult lockdown experience. Dr Hanan Bushkin shares the 4 non-negotiables for anyone going through a hectic time in their life.

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Corruption, lockdown laws and protests - #SoWhatNow? Advocate Dali Mpofu, Herman Mashaba and Lord Peter Hain join this week's show to discuss this. Ashleigh Perremore, one of the organisers of the #ServeUsPlease protest describes what led to water cannons and stun grenades being used by police officers on 200 peaceful protesters.

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Your civil liberties are not a given, they are constantly to be fought for. Mark Sham of #SACitizensUnite challenges South Africans to not be silent in the fight for a better country. How can you get actively involved, how can you protest together, and will technology be the saviour of society against poor governance? It's okay to want a better life, but what are you willing to do to have that life?

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When lockdown was imposed, perhaps it should have been considered how value chains work. What cost does the tobacco ban have to the tax coffers? Has the government been in communication with all stakeholders in the value chain to ensure they’re prepared to reopen when the time comes? Finally, what are the societal implications of the ban? Johnny Moloto is working with SATTA and he unpacks the current reality for the tobacco industry. For more info go to

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I write to you in my private capacity as a citizen of South Africa, just in case the media read it wrong, again. I watched your NCCC briefing today. I decided at the outset to give you the respect due to you - as an elder. Without the usual judgement that we’re all prone to, I listened not to get angry or find fault, but with an open mind...

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How are you doing in this madness? ‘Vasbyt', as the Afrikaans people say... I write one of these blogs every week and normally they’re not as controversial as the last two, but they might interest you if you’re thinking about what happens next. Just like any other mammal, I don’t have any special powers to predict the future, but I think it’s becoming clear that the lockdown will have far-reaching ramifications. The Coronavirus pandemic has swept across the planet, leading to global chaos and extraordinary changes to all our lives. We’re all spending almost all our time at home and consuming media very differently. There are many confusing messages, and not many sources you can completely trust...

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Dear President Ramaphosa, I’m going to keep this brief, because I know you’re dealing with a lot: We’ve all been ready to support you and your administration in your efforts to save lives from this pandemic. Even people like me, who have questioned the idea of a lockdown as the best response have decided to comply and do whatever we could to help. We set aside our concerns over the heavy-handedness of the police and army; we swallowed and accepted that poor people in informal housing would be crammed into their one-room dwellings for a month; we limited our trips to the shops and even accepted not being able to buy hot food (for whatever inexplicable reason)...

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24.04.20 Pt 1 - Who is Cyril Ramaphosa's tailor and how are they still employed? Fellow South Africans... give your president a break, the mask was a stage 6 issue, which hadn't been planned for. Cigarettes are nearly back in circulation, lungs everywhere are salivating. And if you want to lose weight, just be a terrible cook.

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