Pt 1 - At the start of every new year, comes the oh so exciting "back to school" phase. A time for new parents to start a journey that will haunt them for the next 18 years! Lebang Kgosana shares some advice for parents on finding the right school for your child. Good luck mom and dad!

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Pt 1 - Emotional abuse can happen in many places - the home and even the workplace. Lebang unpacks the traits of emotionally abusive relationships, and she shares advice on how to set boundaries to avoid being isolated from your family and friends.

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Pt 1 - How can we improve the mindset of the young black mind? Great Poroza has some answers! Lebang Kgosana speaks to Thato Moatlhodi, who challenges all the norms - from the way school is run, to gender norms... teaching the children today the skills of tomorrow.

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Pt 1 - Expecting a baby is obviously an overwhelming experience (especially if it’s your first). It also doesn't help that every single TV show and movie has made childbirth this horrendous, scary, screamy experience! So which one is better anyway, natural birth VS C-section? Let's debunk some birthing myths shall we?

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Parental favouritism is when one or both parents display consistent favouritism toward one child over another... sounds shitty right? Well for many it's a reality, and the sad thing is - once a fave, always a fave! So if you aren't a first born, the 'golden child', and were never the fave, join the club!

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The unemployment rate in South Africa is scary, and those affected are mainly young creative South Africans. Here is a quick list of some practical things to do, to get cracking on feeling a little less unemployed and more self-empowered!

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It's time to build that brand and make that bread! In this episode of Life with Lebang we chat to Siyabonga Zungu, the brand guru. How can South Africans believe in themselves more, rather than waiting to be celebrated by others first? We unpack brands in SA, and how we can unlearn years of conditioning, it’s life - right?

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No one is ever ready to become a parent, but when it’s time - it’s time! Let’s unpack discipline... some of us were raised with a belt or a shoe - ready to be whipped into shape at any time, but does that still work? Or are we sending the kids on time out?

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Pt 4 - How can you give someone something that you don't have? When last did you love yourself? Here are some ways to start practising your self-love journey!

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Pt 3 - From Ancestors to Christianity, we all have our own beliefs. Have you ever wondered about your ancestral lineage? So has Lebang! IT'S LIFE - RIGHT?

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