Pt 1 - Have you ever wondered what the actual cost of your peace really is? Lebang Kgosana is curios, and unpacks ways to remove yourself from toxic and narcissistic people who ultimately take away from your peace. Be warned - this may be a trigger!

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Did you know that 400,000 South Africans are blind, and even more are partially blind? While many of us take for granted how blessed we are, others are not as lucky. The truth of the matter is that anyone can go blind. The SANCB is all about the advocacy and promoting the rights of persons with visual impairments, prevention, inclusion and support. Lebang Kgosana speaks to them about their work, and how many lives they have changed.

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For just one week in February, every year, 7 days are dedicated to raising the awareness of healthy pregnancies. In a country like South Africa, pregnancy awareness should be ongoing, as the rate of teenage pregnancy is at an all-time high. Join Lebang Kgosana as she unpacks Pregnancy Awareness Week.

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Everybody deserves to be touched by an angel! The Angel Network is an organisation run solely via the power of social media, and has to date reached over 200,000 individuals globally. Join @lebangkgosana in conversation with Glynn and Hailey from The Angel Network South Africa. A true #ThisIsUs story!

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Money is a very hard thing to talk about, especially in relationships, but it is equally important. Before you get into a marriage or move in with your partner, you will have to consider how to "split the bill" and who pays for what. What if your spending habits are not aligned with your partner's? Join Lebang Kgosana as she shares some advice on handling money matters.

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Reconciling with an estranged parent or family member is definitely not an easy task. However it is certainly something that is worth having an open heart and mind towards. Today Lebang Kgosana talks about forgiveness and the possibility of having a positive and healthy relationship with a once estranged family member, regardless of the past!

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The second trimester of pregnancy is what some would call, the golden hour. Mommy has less fatigue, and a renewed abundance of energy and excitement has swooped in. Listen in as Lebang Kgosana shares some changes, and what to expect at the 6-month mark. Make the most of this time and most importantly, enjoy your pregnancy!

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Have you heard the saying "trust your gut?" In this episode of LifeWithLebang, Lebang Kgosana dives into why humans ignore red flags in friendships, relationships, and in the workplace. Sometimes we ignore our gut... and watch as the red flag gets redder and redder and redder!

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Pt 1 - Congratulations mommy, you're expecting a baby! When is the right time to share the good news? Is any time tea time? Who do you tell first? How do you tell them? Should you share this on social media? Join Lebang Kgosana in episode 19 of Life with Lebang, so you can decide when the time is right to share the good news.

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Pt 2 - Imagine being in a life-threatening crisis, calling for help, and being unable to tell the operator what's happening - because you are deaf. South Africa has a deaf community of more than 4 million people. CEO of DeafTouch, Claybourne Appies, talks to Lebang Kgosana about the solutions that DeafTouch offers with the use of technology in designing, creating and hosting advanced communication service software for businesses, governments and citizens around the globe.

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