Some neighbourhoods are overrun with taverns, liquor stores, and shebeens - which are in close proximity to schools. Are these contributing to the degeneration of communities or are they a way of life in SA? Listen to how the court recently ruled on Shebeen Regulations with guest attorney Anele Khumalo and Maurice Smithers representing the Ratepayers Association.

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Are you coping... or have you reached breaking point? Millions of South Africans are buckling under the strain of the high cost of living. To discuss how to get your life back on track, we host in studio Paul Slot of Octogen.

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“Papgeld” (Child Maintenance) dodgers are now in serious trouble! The new sections that have become operative this week are discussed with studio guests - attorneys Shando Theron and Ian Allis.

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If you are on the verge of splitting, what are your rights? It's the first business Tuesday of the new year, when divorce attorneys are inundated with questions from spouses planning to separate after limping through the festive holiday season. With studio guests - attorneys Shando Theron and Ian Allis.

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The South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC), on behalf of the banking industry, is cautioning the public about bank crimes that could be prevalent this Festive Season. SABRIC CEO Kalyani Pillay is the special guest in studio, discussing card jamming at ATMs and deposit scams.

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This end of year show is a further in the series aiming to increase awareness of the role and responsibilities of The Attorneys Insurance Indemnity Fund and the protection they provide to the public and members of the legal fraternity. In this show Thomas Harban - General Manager of the AIIF - explains what a member of the public should do in the event that their Attorney is negligent in carrying out an instruction.

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Should you bath/shower/wash dishes during a lightning storm? How safe are you in the car and should you talk on your phone? Should you unplug your computer/TV/appliances? Last year we hosted Prof. Efraim Kramer who spoke about lightning in SA. Our lightning storms are frightening with more South Africans dying by lightning in the summer months than at any other time of the year. In this replay, Prof. Kramer explains how we can reduce the risk of death or injury from strikes.

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Claire Mcfarlane was brutally raped in Paris and left for dead some years ago. She's now an ambassador for peace. Celia Filmalter from the University of Pretoria (Nursing Science) also joins the discussion about the legal aspects of sexual violence.

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He was arrested and assaulted for not “wearing a shirt” in public. We are coughing up billions every year to settle claims of police misconduct and abuse. To discuss the law in civil actions against the police, Garry is joined in studio by Attorney Tim Vlok with Attorney Jean-Ray Pearton, and a candidate attorney - all from Gildenhuys Malatji Attorneys, based in Pretoria and Sandton. This is a further show in a series in which we collaborate with LegalTalk SA. Then Kalyani Pillay from SABRIC has more tips on how to keep your money safe this festive season.

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SABRIC's Kalyani Pillay returns to advise us how to keep our money safe this festive season. Then, what are the risks and benefits of car hire? Do you really understand the contract? Those burning questions like, vehicle damage - what exactly is covered; are waivers compulsory and what do the waivers cover? Deposit hold/authorisation hold on credit cards: how does it work? Are you as a renter covered for third party damage? Plus questions from our collaborative partner LegalTalkSA...

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