Hiring and firing in South Africa isn’t easy. If you’re not sure how to do it, especially since the law keeps on changing, at least Lisa-Anne King knows what’s going on. She’s well renowned for her role at Fluxmans as a Director in the Labour Law Department since 2004 and the head of Human Resources – both for clients and for the firm. She is also well known for chairing conferences and being a key note speaker in this field and will soon be sitting as an Acting Judge in the Labour Court. Lisa-Anne’s practice is diverse, covering the full gamut of people related issues.

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He’s really into art and antiques, but he’s also a serious lawyer. A Wits graduate with a BCom and LLB, Jones Antunes has been a partner at Fluxmans since 2000. He was selected by his peers for inclusion in the Best Lawyers in South Africa in the practice of litigation and cited in Chambers Global for “providing expert advice across a wide variety of litigation matters”. In 2009 Jones was admitted as solicitor to the Supreme Court of England and Wales.

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Shelley Bennett is not a lawyer! She doesn’t even have a desk at Fluxmans. But for 12 years, Shelley – head of Promogenix - has been the woman behind the scenes taking care of all the eventing and marketing needs. With over 20 years of experience with blue chip companies that include Sun International, Discovery Health, Vodacom, Standard Bank… to name but a few, Shelley makes sure every tiny detail is taken into account and translated into a perfect picture.

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Not all businesses have a smooth ride. Sometimes things go wrong. That’s when you need Kevin Van Huyssteen. An expert in commercial litigation, Kevin has years of experience - starting in Zimbabwe in the late '70s and joining Fluxmans as a Director in 2013. Kevin is at his best litigating in court, dealing with high-level evictions, human rights, property, insurance, landlord and tenant issues, and environmental law.

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Buhle Duma is a DJ. He’s also a legal powerhouse. He first completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree, majoring in politics and sociology and went on to completing an LLB at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2004. He served articles at Fluxmans and was admitted as an attorney in 2009 with his areas of expertise being commercial litigation and insolvency law. If he has headphones on, don’t disturb him because he’s working on your matter.

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When you see cranes on the horizon, you can bet Lisa Tonini has something to do with it. A Director of Fluxmans since 2003, Lisa is the go-to person for property law. She has worked on many exciting and diverse projects - Melrose Arch, The Innovation Hub in Pretoria and the establishment of various townships and sectional title schemes. Lisa is responsible for conveyancing and all property-related transactions - including registration of transfers, bonds, lease agreements, rezonings, and land use applications. She also watches all the development from her office window. Lisa was recently selected by her peers for inclusion in the 10th edition of The Best Lawyers in South Africa for her work in Real Estate Law.

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Peter Kemp might look like he’s just stepped off the set of Suits, but he’s no actor. A specialist in mergers and acquisitions, foreign direct investment structures and all applicable laws and regulations, mining and mining regulations, equity and debt funding, corporate structuring, information technology, all aspects of BEE, funding and producing films, and general corporate and commercial law - Peter has been a partner at Fluxmans since 2011.

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If the law is like war, you need cover fire and sniper fire. Saul Shoot is like a guided missile. A graduate from Wits and a Director of Fluxmans since 1997, Saul has a wide range of expertise from Constitutional Law, defamation, Commercial High Court litigation, arbitrations, business rescue, advertising and medicine law. He would have made an excellent psychologist, but you’d be lucky to have him represent you.

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Are your neighbours' dogs driving you barking mad? What does the law say? Elbi has an “old needy bastard of a dog” that is all bark and no bite, but whose bark gives the neighbours a dog’s life. In studio with Garry and team is attorney Marina Constas (Director of BBM Law). This show is presented in collaboration with LegalTalkSA.

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Are you renting to strangers to pay off your mortgage or other expenses? Joining Garry and team in studio is attorney Marina Constas (Director of BBM Law) to discuss the law around Airbnb, and Brigid Prinsloo - founder of 'Superhost', who gets paid to go on holiday. This show is presented in collaboration with LegalTalkSA.

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