Leon Louw - a policy expert, author and speaker - joins the panel to discuss land and property ownership, and the unlawful woes that have carried over the last few generations. Phumi implodes after hearing about the Woolworths CEO’s profit margin, and Kanthan struggles to see the DA’s vision, launching Chris Pappas as the premier candidate for KZN. Gareth gets into some international news.

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05.10.23 Pt 2 - Joining the Burning Platform this week is Leon Louw, a policy expert, author, and speaker. Leon and Phumi engage their frustration over pre-apartheid policy of unlawful deeds distribution and property handovers without paperwork. Kanthan has some worries about Chris Pappas being the frontman of the DA’s premiership in KZN, and Gareth gets into some international news.

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