01.12.20 Pt 1 - Are there miracles on Earth to be celebrated, or is life just a concatenation of human brilliance? 2020 is the pandemic year, but there's only one month of it left... how do we feel about that? Why are South Africans trapped between being confident and arrogant?

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24.11.20 Pt 2 - Which words are the most offensive? If you breathe on someone in 2020 it could possibly be considered chemical warfare, so be careful. If your father was to be killed by your warlord uncle, who would you ask for help? Author and board game inventor Khethiwe Zulu joins us to talk about how she intends to make history fun for one and all. Blind History returns, featuring a man who brought a Russian dynasty to its knees - Grigori Rasputin.

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