25.03.24 Pt 1 - Gareth gives his take on the current state of the world, including some conspiracy theories. Producer James highlights the South African sport stars from the weekend. And Dr Hanan joins Leigh-Ann and Gareth to talk about why people have given up on truth.    

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14.03.24 Pt 1 - Gareth and Phumi theorise about the whereabouts of Kate Middleton, after the recent media storm surrounding her and the royal family. Phumi speaks to Gareth about the problem surrounding the freezing of Edwin Sodi’s assets. And Mike Abel joins the team to chat about the opportunities that arise when embracing the moments that unite us as South Africans.    

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19.04.21 Pt 1 - In the event of an apocalypse, Gareth says he would not have Leigh-Ann or Siya on his team. The team talk about the moments that had them reaching for tissues during Prince Philip’s funeral, and go as far as saying it was one of the most properly executed funerals they have seen.

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