Journalists are facing threats and hostility in more countries than ever before, according to this year’s World Press Freedom Index, an annual report published by Reporters without Borders. The index analyses legal and physical threats to journalists. This episode focuses on potential consequences - emotional difficulties and compromised well-being. The discussion was filmed with a live audience, featuring a panel with Katy Katopodis, Katleho Sekhotho and Ahmed Kajee. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Do we trust our media too little, too much, or at all? Gareth Cliff is joined by Ferial Haffajee from South Africa, Sharon Machira in Kenya and Zimbabwean Kate Bartlett. Plus special guest Stephen McGown, who was kidnapped and held captive by Al-Qaeda for almost six years.

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21.01.21 Pt 1 - It's said that if you live through the media, you will die through the media. However, what about fake news... is there a place for it in today's society? When it's time to fix your heart, do you research your cardiologist's medical history?

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