19.04.24 Pt 2 - The team speak about the state of journalism in SA. Ben has a look at sport ahead of the weekend. And comedian Logie Naidoo joins the team to chat about an upcoming comedy show, and Indian stereotypes.    

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27.02.24 Pt 2 - Veteran journalist Camilla Bath joins Gareth to have an in-depth discussion about mis- and disinformation within the media, assessing credibility and removing our own biases in a world of constant new information. Camilla also touches on the use of AI in content creation today.

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Journalists are facing threats and hostility in more countries than ever before, according to this year’s World Press Freedom Index, an annual report published by Reporters without Borders. The index analyses legal and physical threats to journalists. This episode focuses on potential consequences - emotional difficulties and compromised well-being. The discussion was filmed with a live audience, featuring a panel with Katy Katopodis, Katleho Sekhotho and Ahmed Kajee. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Do we trust our media too little, too much, or at all? Gareth Cliff is joined by Ferial Haffajee from South Africa, Sharon Machira in Kenya and Zimbabwean Kate Bartlett. Plus special guest Stephen McGown, who was kidnapped and held captive by Al-Qaeda for almost six years.

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Is the notion of 16 Days of Activism purely performative, or are South African authorities actually serious about quashing this social ill? How important is it for people to know who pays for a newspaper organisation to be in business? Is Cyril Ramaphosa losing the trust of South Africans across the board? Julius Malema has been exposed for lying about vile abuse - what is the apt punishment for this? Corruption must be high level and sophisticated, or you shouldn't do it... the ANC is being exposed for having no price point for their deals with the devil. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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26.11.20 Pt 2 - Is a beard the sign of a truly distinguished gentleman? What are the concerns of the general public in Welkom? If you are a part of the South African citizenry, should you ignore gaslighting from people like Julius Malema? Has South African journalism descended into the sewer in terms of quality and integrity?

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Yusuf Omar has travelled to over 40 countries on four continents to teach media companies how to do mobile journalism. On that journey, he co-founded 'Hashtag - Our Story' to empower mobile journalists.

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Is it okay to be rich and flaunt it? Especially in a country where unemployment is rampant, and increased poverty is the serious collateral damage of lockdown? Gareth Cliff chats to Kenny Kunene, Christall Kay and Joe Cimino. Plus special guest Yusuf Omar talks the game changing space of mobile journalism.

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03.02.20 Pt 2 - Palindrome 2020, it’s been 909 years. Smells can change your ability to study, roses are where it’s at. Katie Hopkins wins the C.*.N.T award, which is wonderful, but should we be allowed to trick people just because we don’t like them? The Schengen visa is getting more expensive, but it comes with possible longer stays. Corona… the beer and the virus are not the same thing. And Ellen’s Super Bowl ad is a classic!

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