I am not a Jew and I’m not a citizen of Israel. I haven’t even visited Israel. I don’t trace my religion back to a holy site in Jerusalem and I don’t have a problem with Arabs or Muslims or Christians. I’ve read about Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon; the Umayyads, the Abbasids and the Ottomans; I know about the British, the Balfour declaration, Ben Gurion and Golda Meir. I know a bit about the Six-Day War and the Intifada. I might not have any personal stake in the Holy Land, but humanity certainly does - and I’m a human being.

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12.05.21 Pt 1 - It always gets a bit heated when Gareth and Damon get together for a conversation. This time they discuss what is currently happening in Israel and Palestine. And are women calmer drivers?

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14.09.20 Pt 2 - Oy vey! Israel is shutting down again... will this help with Covid numbers? If you leave children with their father for too long, they'll probably die a horrible death. If people are feeling lonely, you should rub their belly and feed them. If it's that time of the month, don't work in Port Elizabeth. And where were you during the 9/11 attacks?

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