MKT picks his EPL player and manager of the season. Woude tells us how Jake White will fare at the Blue Bulls, and Phillip van der Merwe tells what being part of a winning dynasty felt like. Also Phillip is the smallest man in his family at 126Kgs and is also the least intelligent in his family... he's doing an EMBA at Cambridge University now. - MKT picks his EPL player & manager of the season (00:10) - How will it go with Jake White at the Bulls? (06:54) - Phillip van der Merwe (15:58)

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Will Paul Pogba be willing to compromise to help Bruno Fernandes shine? Are the Springboks set to become a dynasty after winning the World cup in 2019 going into 2023? James Dalton tells us what he believes ended the Nick Mallett dynasty. He also gives his opinion on Kitch Christie, Jake White and the worst coaches he has ever played for. Is he going to get into a cage fight with James Haskell? - 4:29: Should Pogba and Bruno Fernandes play together? - 12:00: Can The Springboks win another World cup? - 27:48: James Dalton

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