What do you get when friends/comedians get ahold of the microphones with Gareth Cliff? Hilarity and things that make you go "Hhmmm" ensue! Nik Rabinowitz and Gilli Apter get into a conversation around a whole slew of topics - the Cape water crisis, the comedy business, social media, topics they shy away from in their humour... and even visiting a shul in Brooklyn.

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Talk about starting the year off right! Entrepreneur and global speaker Vusi Thembekwayo drops several pearls of wisdom and gives great insight on life, philosophy and business in this conversation with Gareth Cliff. Having recently launched his debut 'business bible' book, “The Magna Carta of Exponentiality", Vusi discusses how our possessions are expression, identity, grouping on social media and much, much more. Learn about great work ethic, perseverance and keeping aligned with your own vision from the Rockstar of Public Speaking!

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Anorexia is a psychological and possibly life-threatening eating disorder that effects many in our society today. One person who suffered through it is Toni Becker, who had the courage to speak about her journey with the disorder to currently being a proud recoverer.

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As an influential voice and thought-leader who currently serves as the Head of Communications at Barclays Africa Group Limited, Songezo Zibi draws from his expertise in the communications industry to keep many in the know. Gareth chats to him about his history as the editor of Business Day and monitoring the landscape of the country. Hear Songezo’s thoughts on the upcoming ANC conference and the Steinhoff saga. Who does he think we can trust? He answers this, as well as discussing his busy December which includes finishing writing his second book.

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Kimberley-born Thebe Ikalafeng has always enthusiastically worked towards his success today. As one of Africa's foremost global branding authorities, advisor, and author he has had firsthand experience in seeing Africa's growth and still tirelessly develops its potential. Hear his backstory in this conversation with Gareth, which highlights his time in the USA, bringing passion into the corporate world and the beauty and dangers of the internet. Gareth steals a moment to get some branding advice for CliffCentral.com before Thebe speaks about his intention to have his work and personal life align, rather than strive for a "work/life balance".

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Abuse towards women and children is a dire problem that affects us all in some way. 'Zunga' comes into studio to tell her harrowing story of abuse and betrayal, and how she is taking back her life despite the hurt that she has suffered. This isn't an easy interview to digest, but it is a story of new beginnings, and how the strength of a young girl can inspire others looking to take a stand against the evils of modern society.

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Professor Deidre Byrne is the Chairperson of the Unisa-Africa Girl Development Programme, launched to promote girls' rights and highlight gender inequalities. Even now in 2017, this is more important than ever with many underage girls being forced into becoming child brides across the African continent. She shares some shocking stats with Gareth around the issue, and what the #AfricaGirlsCan campaign is looking to achieve to rectify these gender ills in society.

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It's always a delight having Kate Turkington in studio. She is one of South Africa's best-known broadcasters, travellers and travel writers. She has waltzed at dawn with a Chinese dance instructor in a Beijing square, fallen over Emperor penguins in Antarctica, lunched with a rajah in Rajasthan, and even dined with the Comrades in Cuba. Gareth catches up on her travels with her, as well as finding out more about her personal life as a mother to four grown-up children and grandmother to nine grandchildren.

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Cindy Nell takes Gareth through her life and times as a TV personality, model, businesswoman and family woman, in this refreshing and forthright interviews. From currently working on M-Net's Wedding Bashers to her experience as Miss South Africa at 21 after growing up in a supportive family in Polokwane, she shares some of the lessons that have shaped her life today. What did she think of being on 'Survivor South Africa'? What beauty advice does she recommend for Gareth? And, what's Christmas at her house like? Find out the answers here. As the conversation wraps up, Cindy also speaks about what caught her eye when she first saw her husband and gets personal when discussing being self-aware and whom she'd still like to meet.

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Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town Thabo Makgoba has a fascinating new book out that details his calling and the paths it has led him on. His spiritual work has brought him from his childhood in Alexander township under the care of his ZCC father to ministering to Nelson Mandela many years later. In this conversation, he discusses his beliefs and fears, his daily routine and how he soaks our political and business leaders in prayer. Armed with his love for his Anglican regalia and his cathedral, get inside the mind of this religious leader and author of 'Faith & Courage'.

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