19.06.24 Pt 1 - Gareth and Jack get straight into some politics - and Helen Zille’s haircut. Plus… a potential cancer vaccine, sticky protests, AI mishaps, and an interesting way to get a TV and other appliances with Teljoy.    

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All anyone who thinks they’re smart can bring themselves to talk about these days is artificial intelligence. ChatGPT is all the rage, and not just because of their ludicrous boardroom saga. Thanks to the ubiquitousness of social media and smartphones, smartwatches and intelligent appliances; we’ve started to convince ourselves that we’re getting cleverer. But that’s not true…

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22.04.21 Pt 1 - Remember the first time you got to experience the internet? Or your first phone (the one with the polyphonic ringtone)? Did you ever a queue for whatever new phone was launched? What a time that was... The team goes down memory lane and shares some interesting experiences.

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This week Jaco Voigt delves into the clutter of tech industry jargon. How does wifi get to your device? The nitty gritty of last mile, access points, circuit providers and shared networks... this conversation will help simplify connecting humans. The difference between home and business fibre is all about service, dedicated connectivity with guaranteed speed. Plus, a look at future connectivity ensuring rural revival. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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16.11.20 Pt 1 - Life can sometimes literally hamstring you and that ain't pretty. When was the last time you heard sounds coming out of the wrong place in your life? Isn't it great when you’ve had a nightmare in your personal life, and your friends are flourishing and they can't wait to tell you? Listen up you unlovable single men... Leigh-Ann Mol is giving you a list of the best colognes so you can become slightly lovable.

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The Internet isn’t real life. Look, I’m, sure you know this already, but let’s all take a minute in what has been a very difficult year, to take stock of our lives. Thanks to Covid, for many people the Internet is the only kind of social activity they’ve had. It’s frighteningly unhealthy and you must do everything you can to break free before you lose your soul online. That may sound dramatic, but the evidence of mental and emotional breakdown is there for everyone to see. Don’t let it happen to you. Here are the twelve online commandments...

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As much of the world went into lockdown earlier this year, use of the Internet and digital services surged! The downside however is that many people were ill-prepared for the very real threats that come with greater Internet connectivity, and have been sitting ducks in a year that can be described as ‘open season hunting’ for cybercriminals, where nothing and no one has been off limits. Added to this is that employees are often the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain – putting business at risk sometimes without even knowing it...

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Remember when we used to connect with a handshake, or a hug? Well now we connect by clicking a link. 2020 will be remembered for the Coronavirus pandemic and how it changed the way we interact - social distancing is the 'new normal' with the human connection and businesses now relying heavily on technology. But how frustrating is it when the internet drops, security worries... or even losing important information? Gareth Cliff asked Jaco Voigt, CEO of Catalytic, why connectivity is so important in this day and age.

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